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Q: What families of metals do sodium and calcium belong?
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Sodium and calcium are in different families of metals Name the families of metals in which they belong and describe each family's characterristics?


What are the families of sodium and calcium?

Elements ending in -ium are metals. Sodium and Calcium are alkali metals.

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Sodium and calcium are in different families of metals. Name the families of metals in which they belong and describe each family's characteristics.

Would metal in group 13 be more or less reactive than a metal in group 1?

Sodium and calcium are in different families of metals. Name the families of metals in which they belong and describe each family's characteristics.

Would metal in group 13 be more or less reactive than metal in group 1?

Sodium and calcium are in different families of metals. Name the families of metals in which they belong and describe each family's characteristics.

Are sodium calcium and chromium metals nonmetals or metalloids?

Sodium, calcium and chromium are metals.

Sodium and calcium are?


What family of metals do sodium and calcium?


Are metals Na Ca Al As Cl?

Metals are sodium, calcium and aluminium.

Can sodium and calcium form salt?

No. Sodium and calcium, both being metals, will not combine chemically. Table salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.

How does calcium react with sodium carbonate?

No. Sodium and calcium will not react with each other because they are both non-metals.

What family is calcium and sodium in on the periodic table?

calcium belongs to alkaline earth metal family. sodium belongs to alkali metals.