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In 2001, the NEAR-Shoemaker space probe became the first unmanned probe to soft-land on an asteroid, although it was primarily designed to do its studies from orbit.

Launched in 1996, it orbited the near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros for about a year, and in February 2001 used the last of its propellant to soft-land on the asteroid. Since it was undamaged, it continued to perform surface studies until it was shut down, about two weeks later.

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The spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker successfully orbited and landed on an asteroid (433 Eros) in 2001, becoming the first spacecraft to orbit and land on an asteroid. This mission provided valuable insights into the composition and geology of asteroids, improving our understanding of these celestial bodies.

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Who first navigated the earth?

i think either magellan or juan sebastian del cano

The most 30 hr 100 rbi seasons?

Hank Aaron holds the record for the most 30 HR, 100 RBI seasons with 15. Babe Ruth follows with 13 seasons achieving this feat.

How was the eastern island head created?

The Easter Island heads, or moai, were carved by the Rapa Nui people from compressed volcanic ash between 1400 and 1650 AD. The statues represent deceased ancestors and were believed to hold spiritual power. Transporting these massive statues from their quarries to various locations on the island was a remarkable feat of ancient engineering.

How do you get 20 cloud touches without fever mode?

You can get 20 cloud touches by tapping on the fluffy clouds that appear during regular gameplay. Keep an eye out for them and try to tap as many as you can to reach 20 touches. It may take some practice and quick reflexes to achieve this without the help of fever mode.

What is the lowest body temperature ever?

May '08, the lowest temperature ever reached is 10^-10 K. See related link for more information about the Nova Program. At the Low Temperature Lab at the Helsinki University of Technology on August 12, 2000, they cooled a piece of rhodium metal to 100 pK, or 100,000 nK, or 100 trillionths of a degree above absolute 0. The lowest temperature a gas of *fermions* has been cooled to is 50 nK (50,000 pK), creating the first fermionic condensate, which is another state of matter like Bose-Einstein condensate, solid, liquid, and gas. This was accomplished with sodium-40, an isotope with half-integer spin, thus making it *fermionic*, so it obeys the Pauli-Exclusion Principle, which is why it's such a feat to get the atoms cold enough for their de Broglie wavelengths to be comparable to their average separation distances from each other. You'll note the temperature is relatively high compared to the above temperatures - the reason is that the repulsive force from the atoms not wanting to be in the same ground energy level makes it more difficult for scientists to cool them. The lowest temperature a macroscopic (relatively large) object has been cooled to is 0.8 K on April 8 2007 at MIT. The object was a massive whole gram, versus above, where we're talking about hundreds or thousands of mere atoms.

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