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Coal is more common in earth.

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Q: What forms of carbon are common in solid earth?
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Is carbon a gas or solid?

it is ofcourse a solid. diamond and coal are two forms of carbon made compounds.

Is carbon solid liquid or gas?

There are various forms of solid carbon. Diamonds for instance

What is one of the solid forms of carbon?

A diamond

What is the most common solid on earth?

the most common solid on earth is earth itself!

What are the water forms of the earth?

The three forms on earth are: Solid, Ice, Gas

Is carbon a liquid a solid or a gas at room temperature?

Carbon is a solid liquid instead of a gas at room temperature.

What is the standard state of carbon?

The standard state of carbon is a solid structure. Carbon reached their full solid structure when the state hits 298 K. Carbon is found three different but common forms such as diamond, graphite and amorphous.

Which type of crystalline solid forms when carbon atoms solidify?


What is the common name for dry ice?

Dry ice IS the solid form of carbon dioxide. And "dry ice" IS the common name for the solid CO2. So the question should be "What substance is the common name Dry Ice used for ? "

What is a common name for solid carbon dioxide?


Common name for Solid carbon dixoide?

dry ice

Why solid carbon dioxide is never found naturally on earth?

Solid carbon dioxide, also known as dry ice, forms at tempuratures below −78.5 °C (−109.3 °F). There are few places on the planet that ever get this cold. Dry ice would quickly evaporates at higher temperatures.