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Nitrous oxide or N2O

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Q: What formula would two Nitrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom make up?
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What formula would 2 nitrogen atoms 1 oxygen atom and amp 2 carbon atoms make up?

The formula would thus be C2N2O.

Atoms in a molecule of oxygen?

Oxygen is an element. The oxygen in our atmosphere typically combines with itself, as does the nitrogen, forming a diatomic molecule--O2. So the two atoms in a molecule of oxygen would both be oxygen atoms.

A molecule consisting of two atoms of nitrogen and four atoms of oxygen would be called?

Dinitrogen tetroxide

Which of the gases in the earth's atmosphere would you expect to find as molecules and which as individual atoms?

You would expect to find nitrogen and oxygen as molecules in the atmosphere, and argon as individual atoms.

What type of substance is nitrogen dioxide?

It's a compound of Nitrogen and Oxygen. It's chemical formula would be NO2

What kind of bonds do the atoms in molecules of oxygen gas and nitrogen gas held together?

Oxygen and Nitrogen are both nonmetals so they would form covalent bonds.

How many O atoms are in Zn(ClO2)2?

As would be more apparent from its properly written formula, Zn(ClO3)2, each formula unit contains 6 oxygen atoms, the product of the subscript immediately following the oxygen atomic symbol and the subscript following the parenthetical formula of the chlorate polyatomic ion of which the oxygen atoms present are a part.

How many times larger is the number of hydrogen atoms then oxygen atoms in all carbohydrates?

The number of hydrogen atoms is twice the number of oxygen atoms. Glucose is C6H12O6, so there are 12 hydrogen atoms for every 6 oxygen atoms in a molecule.

Is oxygen gas heavy than air?

On average, oxygen (O2 which is 2 oxygen atoms) makes up about 20-21% of air. The bulk of the rest of it is Nitrogen (N2 which is 2 nitrogen atoms) (about 78%).Oxygen has a molecular weight of about 16 per atom. Nitrogen has a molecular weight of about 14 per atom. Pure Oxygen gas is thus heavier than "air."For example:Say you had a sample of air containing 8 Nitrogen atoms and 2 Oxygen atoms (80% N2, 20% O2). Based on atomic weight, it would come in at 150. (150 is calculated by multiplying the 8 nitrogen atoms by = 112, and then multiplying the 2 oxygen atoms by 16 = 32, and adding 112 and 32 together = 150).If you had the same amount of pure oxygen gas (O2), you would have 10 oxygen atoms times 16 = 160.So as a rough approximation, if the weights of oxygen gas = 160 and air = 150, air is approximately 93.75% the weigh of oxygen gas.. or in other words, "air" is approximately 6.25% lighter than pure oxygen gas.

How would Dalton describe atoms that combine to form compounds?

Dalton pictured compounds as collections of atoms. For example, nitrogen and oxygen might form a compound containing one atom of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen (written NO), a compound containing two atoms of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen (written N2O), or a compound containing one atom of nitrogen and two atoms of oxygen (written NO2)

How many potassium atoms and how many oxygen atoms are there in a binary compound from these two elements?

A compound containing potassium and oxygen atoms would have a formula of K2O, and would be named potassium oxide. This is a binary ionic compound.

How many hydrogen atoms are there in sugar?

Simple sugars have the formula Cn(H2O)n .So, if you had 11 oxygen you would have the simple sugar formula C11H22O11.With this you can see that the total hydrogen atoms is 22.