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Q: What happens above the earth ground during and earthquake?
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What happens above ground in a earthquake?


Is it safer below or above the ground during an earthquake?

Above ground. If you are below ground then there is something above you and this may collapse on you. The safest place to be during an earthquake is on the ground out in the open where nothing can fall on you. Earthquakes do not kill many people directly, it is falling buildings that do that.

What happens above ground after an earthquake?

yousally the are followed by much smaller quakes

What happens along fault beneath Earth's surface when an earthquake occurs?

if your on a fault it will shake and shift ground above

What happens along a fault beneath Earths surface when an earthquake occurs.?

If the fault is responsible for the earthquake, there will be movement (displacement) along the fault.

What is point the ground directly above the origin of an earthquake?

This is known as the epicentre of the earthquake. Epicenter

What do you do if you are outside during an earthquake?

Try to find an area where there is nothing above you and then get as low to the ground as you can. But if you can, try to get to a vehicle, because that will offer you more protection from falling debris and ground collapse.

Where is a danger spot during an earthquake?

the danger spot during an earthquake is at the epicenter wich is the place right above were the earthquake was originaly started.

What happens at the epicenter during an earthquake?

Since the epicenter is the point on the earth's surface that is directly above the focus, or starting point, of the earthquake, it usually suffers the strongest shaking and the most severe damage.

What is a focus?

The origin of an earthquake underground is the focus, which is right under the epicenter which is the place above ground where an earthquake is felt.

Whats the difference between the epicenter of an earthquake and the focus of the earthquake?

The focus of an earthquake is the place where an earthquake occurred along the fault underground, while the epicenter is the place directly above it where the seismic waves were felt.The focus is where an earthquake starts and the epicenter is where the earthquake hits the hardest.The focus of the earthquake is where the actual earthquake occurred and the epicenter is on the ground directly above the focus. The epicenter is used to say where the earthquake was in relation to places near where it occurred.

Where can earthquakes NOT happen?

Above ground. anything connected to the ground would be affected by an earthquake due to the earth being layered by tectonic plates. Therefore space is earthquake free :]