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When SO2 [Sulphur Dioxide] reacts with water Sulphuric Acid [H2SO4] is created, which is commonly refered to as "acid rain."

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Q: What happens in when SO2 reacts with rain water?
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What happens when sulphur reacts with water?

Sulphurous acid is formed H2O + SO2 ----> H2SO3

How do sulfur dioxides emissions contribute to acid rain?

Beacuse the SO2 reacts with rain water to produce sulfurous acid. SO2 + H2O ----> H2SO3 and this can be further oxidized to sulfuric acid.

What is made during sulfur dioxide pollution?

acid rain; SO2, i.e. sulfur dioxide, reacts with water to produce H2SO3, or sulfurous acid, which then reacts with oxygen to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4), and dissolves in rain to fall as acid rain

Where does sulfur dioxide get its extra oxygen from for acid rain?

Sulfur dioxide reacts with water to form sulfurous acid (SO2 + H2O --> HSO3)

What happens when sulfur reacts with nitric acid?

S + HNO3 = SO2 + NO2 + H2OWhen Sulfur reacts with nitric acid it forms sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide and water .

Why is aqueous SO2 is referred as sulphurous acid?

In water SO2 reacts to form H2SO3 which is sulfurous acid.

What happens when SO2 reacts with H2S?

Elemental Sulphar is formed.Water also formed in reaction.

What happens when SO2 dissolves in rainwater?

SO2 is an acid gas.It lowers the pH value of water.

What solution is formed when sulphur dioxide reacts with water in the atmosphere?

SO2 + H2O ==> H2SO3 Sulphurous acid is formed.

Does Nitrogen oxide pollute the atmosphere?

sulfur dioxide is fairy reactive in air, it reacts with water in the air to form sulfurous acid, which is acid rain, SO2(g) + H2O(l) H2SO3(aq). Acid rain pretty much kills plants.

What do industries pump into the atmosphere to affect rain water?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Sulfer Dioxide (SO2) both of which form acids when mixed with rain water.

What is the chemical reaction of sodium sulfite and water?

sodium sulfite is soluble in water...though it may partially reacts to liberate SO2 gas and it can make the water acidic too Na2SO3 + H2O → 2NaOH + SO2 (only partial) But in acidic medium it decomposes as Na2SO3 + 2 H+ → 2 Na+ + H2O + SO2