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it carries along its characteristics moisture and temperture

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Q: What happens to an air mass when it comes to a new region?
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What happens to air mass when it comes to a new region?

As an air mass moves away from its source region into a new region, it brings its particular weather conditions, moisture and temperature, to areas over which it travels. At the same time, its characteristic properties are slowly modified by exposure to new environments.

What happens when it's a hot day and a cool air mass comes in?

If a cool air mass comes in on a hot day, and if there is enough moisture, you can generally expect showers and thunderstorms.

What happens when air mass moves over an area?

A wind is a moving air mass. If the air mass has passed over a large ocean, it could mean clouds and rain falling over an area.

The temperature and humidity of an air mass depend primarily on the source region of the air mass?

yes it does, it takes on the characteristics of its region.

What happens when a cold air mass meets a warm air mass that is not moving?

Hiwhat happens when exposed air meets foodThank you.

When air pressure is constant throughout a region of the atmosphere the region is in a state of?

Air Mass or equlibrium

Describe the air mass that forms over the waters of Atlantic ocean what letter designate the source region of the air mass?

Air Mass

What happens when a warm air mass meets with a cold air mass?

If you mean when a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air, then a front is created.

An air mass usually brings the weather of?

An air mass usually brings weather of its source region.

What happens when a mass for warm air runs into a mass of cooler air?

A tornado occurs

What do the characteristics of air masses depend on?

source region actually the answer is air masses are classified by a combination of words the 1st word represents where the air mass forms(maritime or continital) the 2nd is the temperature(polar or tropical)

What phenomenon occurs when an air mass remains stationary over a region for a long time?

Air mass weather