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In order to become a sedimentary rock a rock must be broken down or eroded by weathering. The sediments of the rock then go through the lithification process where they are cemented and compacted together forming a sedimentary rock.

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Q: What happens to any rock in the rock cycle to form sedimentary rock?
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Related questions

How do sedimentary rocks get cemented together to form a solid mass from sediment?

This happens because the rock cycle keeps occuring and every time the rock cycle happens the sedimentary rock comes together better and will eventually be a solid mass of sediment

What part of the rock cycle happens after the igneous rock?

sedimentary rock

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What must any rock in the rock cycle do to become a sedimentary rock?

It must erode into sediment and then be compressed to form sedimentary rock.

What else can sedimentary rocks form from?

All rocks can form from sedimentary because the rock cycle is endless.

Does the rock cycle have to start from the sedimentary rock?

No, the rock cycle does not have to start from the sedimentary rock

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Is there a sentence with the word rock cycle?

Igneous rock can weather and become sedimentary rock . Metamorphic rock can be melted in a volcano and become igneous rock. Igneous rock and sedimentary rock can be heated and pressurized to form metamorphic rock.

What process forms sedimentary rock?

sedimentary rock is formed by the rock cycle

What rocks are formed from broken rocks?

Clastic sedimentary rocks and Cataclasites (a form of metamorphic rock) are formed from broken rocks.


It's when parts of both igneous and metamorphic rocks are crushed together and then they form sedimentary rocks.

What are the 3 rocks in the rock cycle?

Three (3) rocks in the rock cycle are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock.