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The molecules that make up the rock vibrate faster, with greater velocity.

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Q: What happens to the particles when a piece of rock is heated up?
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What happens to the rocks when they heat up?

When rock is heated it becomes enlarged. If the rock becomes too hot from the heat it will break and crack.

What happens when rock heated?

When rock is heated it becomes enlarged. If the rock becomes too hot from the heat it will break and crack.

If a rock dissolves what happens to the particles?

They continue on in the rock cycle.

What happens when rock salt and water are heated and stirred?

the rock salt dissolves in the water

What happens if you cut a piece off of the moon?

you get moon rock.

What happens if you put a rock on fire?

You would only heat the rock. Heated rocks are used in some spas & put on your spine.

Is a piece of clay pot a rock?

If clay is a rock

What particles are in rock?

Rock particles.

What happens to the Moon's shape overnight?

Absolutely nothing, it's a solid piece of ROCK.

What happens when metamorphic rocks are heated?

When metamorphic rocks are heated, the minerals within the rock may undergo recrystallization, transforming into new minerals. This process can lead to the development of new textures and structures in the rock. However, excessive heat can cause the minerals to melt and reform as igneous rocks.

What is before metamorphic rock in the rock cycle?

Sedimentary Rock which becomes heated and pressed and Igneous Rock which is also heated and compressed.

For metamorphic rock to become igneous rock what steps are necessary?

Metamorphic rock can not become igneous rock, however igneous rock can become metamorphic. This process happens over time as the rocks are shifted, compressed and heated by the Earth.