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Nothing spectacular happens-- this is a chemical change. The useful properties of iron are destroyed when it rusts, so much is usually done to prevent rusting -- i.e painting. other coatings that prevent rust. If you can keep the oxygen away from the iron, it will not rust.

Isn't it that it makes iron oxide? or is rust really iron oxide?--different person

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Q: What happens when iron and oxygen combine to form rust?
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The molecules of iron combine with molecules of oxygen to form molecules of iron oxide- or rust.

Iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide List the reactants and products of this reaction?

Reactants: -iron -oxygen Products: -rust

What compound is created when iron and oxygen mix?

Iron and oxygen combine chemically to form iron oxide, also known as rust.

What are the elements combine to form rust?

Fe2O3 is the answer you look for. In other words Iron + Oxygen = Rust

What are the reactants and products when iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide?

reactants: iron and oxygen products: rust (aka: iron (II) oxide or FeO)

What is the chemical change the change of?

A chemical change is when one or more objects combine to form a new object. For example, an iron nail can combine with the oxygen in the air to form iron oxide, or rust.

What does iron commonly combine with?

Iron commonly combines with oxygen.

What two substances that cause metals to rust faster?

Iron in the presence of oxygen and water, or air moisture, will combine to form Iron Oxide or it more common name rust. But Iron can also combine with chlorine in an oxygen free environment such as re-bars (reinforced concrete post) to form a green rust called Fougerite.

When a nail rust iron from the nail combines with oxygen from the air to form what?

They combine to form rust. You might be able to guess from what's combining that "rust" is apparently an iron oxide.