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Ca(OH)2 + Cl----->CaCl2 + H2O

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Q: What happens when slaked lime react with chlorine?
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What will happen when dry slaked lime react with chlorine?

dry slaked lime is calcium coxide

Is Calcium chloride slaked lime?

No. Slaked lime is calcium hydroxide.

What happens when carbon dioxide is passed through slaked lime?

When slaked lime is react with carbon dioxide, calcium carbonate and water are created. Ca(OH)2 + CO2---->CaCO3+ H2O

Why farmers add slaked lime to acidic soils?

Calcium Hydroxide (or Slaked Lime) is a strong base (as are all metal hydroxides, oxides, and carbonates) A Base is a substance with a pH of 8 or more. When an acid and a base react, the result is that a salt and water is formed. This also has the effect of neutralising a substance (giving it a pH of 7 or closer to 7) So slaked lime is added in order to reduce the acidity of the soil

How is slaked lime made from quicklime?

slaked lime is made by adding water to quicklime.

What is slaked lime chemical name?

Slaked lime is Calcium Hydroxide - Ca(OH)2

What happens when quick lime is added to water?

It reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide.

Why does not a wall immediately acquire a white colour when a coating of slaked lime is applied on it?

as slaked lime is of calcium hydro oxide it takes time. when heat react with calcium hydro oxide the water of calcium get evaporated it become quick lime (calcium carbonate). as the water evaporated the carbon dioxide get a chance to react with calcium carbonate and forms white colour

What happens if quicklime mixes with water?

quicklime is the common name for calcium oxide (CaO). when added to water it forms slaked lime which is the name for clacium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). slaked lime solution is also commonly know as lime water

How is slaked lime produce?

is it produced by lime stone :)

Why does rain react with limestone?

its kind of hard to explain. orignaly it dosent react with water (execpt from erosion) until it is made into calcium oxide using a blast furnace the new quick lime then is recated with water to form slaked lime which can be made into lime water by adding even more water. then there is another proces where slaked lime can be turned into limestone again and the whole cycle again. 1) calcium carobante + heat = quick lime + carbon doixide or CaCO3 + heat = CaO + C(O)2 2) quick lime + water = slaked lime CaO + (H)2O = Ca(OH)2

Why does not wall imidiately acquire white colour when a coating of slaked lime is applied?

As slaked lime is of calcium hydro oxide it takes time. when heat react with calcium hydro oxide the water of calcium get evaporated it become quick lime (calcium carbonate). as the water evaporated the carbon dioxide get a chance to react with calcium carbonate and forms white colour..... ANSWERED BY: SAMRIDHI KAUSHAL