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Although this is a very common practice it is not good for your skin. H2O2 kills granulating tissue so if you do chose to use it follow up with a saline solution.

Studies have shown that it causes the pimples to enlarge. The bubbling sound you see and hear enlarges your pores. Also, H2O2 is a mild bleaching agent so essentially you may experience lighter areas where it was applied.

I know this is used a lot for numerous skin issues and a lot of people swear by it and don't report any issues with it.

I've heard of toothpaste as well, which is the same concept as using a masque.

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Q: What happens when you put hydrogen peroxide on pimples?
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A violent reaction of oxydation.

What happens if you put hydrogen peroxide with boiled water?

Depending on the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide, (if low enough) it will just decompose into water and oxygen gas. If the hydrogen peroxide is high enough in concentration it will just heat up and mix with the water (most likely the first will occur).

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You can treat pimples with benzoyl peroxide. This will dry up the pimple. If the pimple leaves a mark on your face you can put fading cream on the mark.

How do you dispose of hydrogen peroxide correctly?

put it in the bin

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If it is WHITE put Hydrogen Peroxide on it and then bleach it, but if its not put Hydrogen peroxide then cold water, then just throw it in the wash with cold water, it has always worked for me.

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yes, but it won't do much

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I suggest using Hydrogen Peroxide.

What happens to hydrogen peroxide when it is put on a cut?

Peroxide is actually not what does the healing. When you put Hydrogen Peroxide (chemical formula: H2O2) on your wound, it is separated into water and oxygen by the enzyme catalase. The catalase ONLY targets the hydrogen peroxide, and some of the bacteria is forced out with the oxygen (visually seen as the fizzing). THE TRUTH: Peroxide actually doesn't do much for you at all. To get a decent effect, get 4-6 cotton swabs, and wet them with water THEN Peroxide. the water will act as a mode of "transportation" for the bacteria to get out of the cut. This will slightly increase the effectiveness of a SINGLE cotton swab... which is still not much! (Thus the hole "4-6 cottonswabs" comment)

How do you get rid of pimples on forehead?

First, you have to pop it Then, you have to clean all of the germs with Hydrogen Peroxide (If you think it helps or it hurts put some healing cream or something like that with a band-aid over it or just a band aid if you want)!

Does hydrogen peroxide help disinfect a deep cut?

You are never to put hydrogen peroxide on a deep cut or wound, as it could possibly damage tissue and cause loss of sensation.