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Well, if you heat it enough, it'll melt.

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Q: What has been effect of heating sodium chloride?
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What is the difference between sterile water and sodium chloride?

Sterile water is water (H2O) that has been sterilized so as not to contain infectious microorganisms. Sodium chloride solution contains sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolved in water.

Is sodium in sodium ascorbate dangerous to the kidneys?

No, in fact it may help hypertension. It is Sodium (Na+ Cation) plus Chloride (Cl- Anion) that can cause hypertension. In studies it has been shown that high dietary sodium chloride increases blood pressure but sodium ascorbate and sodium bicarbonate doesn't. It has also been shown that hypertensive patients have lower ascobate levels (vit C) in their blood than normotensive patients. Dr. Mark Edmond - Family Physician

Is sodium and chloride an element or a compound or a mixture?

Sodium is an element, as it consists of just one type of atom. Its symbol is Na, atomic number 11. A compound on the other hand is two or more elements that have chemically bonded together, while a mixture can be defined as two or more substances that have been brought together, but have not reacted chemically to form a new substance.

What does Sodium chloride do in agar?

NaCl is a constituent of many media require for the growth of mcirobial culture it has a significance that it provide the osmotic balance i.e. it helps in osmoregulation and also in transport of material in and out of the microbial cell (active transprot) Although it has been observed that in prokaryotic microbial cultures( except fungi) it is not necessary to add sodium chloride in basic media like nutrient agar because of the already presence of these ions in beef extract, yeast extract or other natural contituent.

Is sodium nitrate cancer causing?

Research indicates that diets very high in salty foods have been linked to an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. Too much salt can also lead to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Most of the salt in our diet comes from packaged and take-away foods, such as pizza, pies, sauces, soups, margarines, breads and breakfast cereals. When shopping, read food labels and try to choose products with less than 120mg of sodium per 100g

Related questions

What has been the effect of heating NaCl?

This is dependent on if the heat reaches a temperature of 1,474 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the melting point. Generally it will cause the compound to brown.

Can you cut sodium chloride into shapes other than perfect cubes?

Yes, of course. Large sculptures have been made from sodium chloride.

What is the difference between sterile water and sodium chloride?

Sterile water is water (H2O) that has been sterilized so as not to contain infectious microorganisms. Sodium chloride solution contains sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolved in water.

Does sodium have the same characteristics as soidum chloride?

No they are not. For starters, their names are different. Secondly, in one molecule of sodium chloride (NaCl), there is one atom of sodium to each chloride atom. In sodium hydroxide (NaOH), there is one sodium atom, one oxygen atom, and one hydrogen atom. Sodium chloride is known as salt, and sodium hydroxide is known as lye, or caustic soda.


No, not even similar. Sodium chloride is common salt. Sterile water is water that has been totally purified.

Is potassium chloride used as substitute for sodium chloride?

This is a loose question. Since the most well known use for salt is in human diet, we could start an answer in this context. To replace dietary sodium chloride salt completely with potassium could well have fatal effects. Sodium chloride is essential for the function of the nervous system. However a high sodium (ion) intake can also be fatal. In the last few years, low sodium (ion) salts have been marketed. These might have as little 35% of the sodium of typical sodium chloride table salt, the substitute for the missing sodium is sometimes purely potassium chloride and sometimes potassium with some magnesium.

What is salt split technique?

It is a method used to split a salt ( for example sodium chloride ) in the corresponding ACID and BASE (i.e Hydrochloric acid and Sodium chloride in the example which has been taken ) . It is an eletrochemical process where we use ANION EXCHANGE MEMBRANES and CATION EXCHANGE MEMBRANES to serve our purpose of separating the Sodium and Chloride ions.

Does sodium chloride crystals conduct electricity?

It cannot as the ions are not free moving and thus there is nothing to carry the charge. However when in its solution form, or melted, there are free moving ions as the bonds have been broken down, and so in an aqueous state it will conduct.

Is there any alkali metal in table salt?

Table salt is sodium chloride; sodium is a metalic element and chlorine is a non-metallic element.Table salt is sodium (an explosive metal) combined with chlorine (a poisonous gas). Sodium is Na; Chlorine is Cl. So table salt is NaCl.This element is sodium (Na).This element is sodium (Na).

What acids have been used to make the following salts sodium chloride calcium sulfate ammonium nitrate?

Sodium chloride = hydrochloric acid, HCl Calcium sulfate = sulfuric acid, H2SO4 Ammonium nitrate = nitric acid, HNO3

Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chloride is poisonous?

Chlorine gas is highly toxic, but in table salt it has been rendered into the chloride ion, which is much less reactive.

Is salt indestructible?

No. It has a melting point, which is relatively high, and it can be dissolved in water. Once disolved in water, to form a Sodium chloride solution, if some other substance, such as Silver nitrate could be added which would produce a Sodium nitrate solution and a precipitate of Silver chloride. If this were done carefully no Sodium chloride would remain so you could say that it had been "destroyed."