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Q: What is 1 sodium 1 oxygen 1 hydrogen?
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How many atoms are there in compound NaOH?

Sodium (Na), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H).

What elements make up sodium hydroxide?

Sodium (Na), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H). The formula is NaOH. Sodium (Na), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H). The formula is NaOH.

What the elements making up sodium hydroxide?

Sodium hidroxide, NaOH; the elements are sodium, oxygen and hydrogen

What Does Sodium Hydroxide Contain?

Pure solid sodium hydroxide contains two ions - the sodium cation (+1 charge) and the hydroxide anion (-1) charge. The hydroxide anion is in turn made up of one atom of oxygen and one atom of hydrogen.

What are the constituent elements of mono sodium glutamate?

Sodium , carbon , hydrogen and oxygen are constituent elements of M.S.G.

How many atoms are present in sodium bicarbonate?

One molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) contains one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one carbon atom, and three oxygen atoms.... this is a total of 6 atoms per sodium bicarbonate molecule.

Is sodium bicarbonate an element?

No. Baking soda contains the elements sodium, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen chemically combined, which makes it a compound. Its formula is NaHCO3. The scientific names of baking soda are sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate.

What are the elements found in sodium hydroxide?

Sodium, oxygen and hydrogen.

What does sodium hydrogen and oxygen make?

sodium hydroxide, NaOH

How many atoms in 2NaOH?

There is one hydrogen atom in one formula unit of NaOH.

What elements is sodium hydroxide made out of?

It is composed of sodium, hydrogen, and oxygen.

What are the elements in acetate?

The elements in acetate are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sodium in the case of sodium acetate(CH3COONa) *** Acetate: C2H3O2^-1