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The Ammonium ion (NH4+) is the ion formed when ammonia (NH3) acquires an H+ ion from an acid.

The hydronium ion (H3O+) when water acquires an H+ ion from an acid. It is not stable outside of an aqueous (water) environment.

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Q: What is Ammonium ion and Hydronium ion?
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Is ammonium the only positive charged polyatomic?

No. There is a hydronium H3O+ ion, but it can only exist in an aqueous solution. There are also organic analogues to the ammonium ion in which one of the hydrogen atoms in an ammonium ion is replaced with a hydrocarbon group. There is also the mercury I ion, Hg22+.

What is oxidation number of carbon in Hydronium?

In the hydronium ion (H3O+), the oxidation number of carbon is +3.

What ion is formed when a hydrogen ion combines with water molecule?

The hydronium ion which is written chemically as H3O+ will be formed when the water and the hydrogen ion combine. The ability of water to attract the hydrogen ion is what will lead to the formation of the hydronium ion.

What is the formula of hydronium ion and oxide ion?

The chemical formula of hydronium ion is (H3O)+.For the "oxide ion" check your spelling.

The formula for hydronium ions is?

The chemical formula of hydronium is H3O +.

What is the charge for hydronium ion?

+1 hydronium ion is H3O+

Is a polyatomic ion electrically neutral?

No a few are cations, including the ammonium ion (NH4+), the hydronium ion (H3O+), and the mercury I ion (Hg22+).

What is the symbol for hydronium ion?

AnswerWe use ph as the symbol to express hydronium ion concentration.

What is the only polyatomic ion with a 1 plus charge?

Ammonim-NH4 There's also Hydronium - H3O

What is the hydronium ion and its formular?

The hydronium ion is simply the water ion with an extra proton. (H+) So: H2O + H+ ---> H3O+

What is the formula for the hydromium ion?

The formula for Hydronium Ion is H30+. Hydronium Ion is an Aqueous Solution and is also considered as a bare nucleus.

What is the symbol for hydroniun ion?

Hydronium ion: H3O+