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Heavy rain means that there is alot of rain, or is raining really hard. Another saying is its raining cats and dogs

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11y ago

Prolonged rainfall- high amount of rainfall

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14y ago

You can take that statement at face value. It means what it says.

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Q: What is Heavy rain showers with lightning?
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How are thunderstorms different from rain showers?

A rain shower is any even that produces a relatively brief period of rain. A thunderstorm is a rain storm that produces thunder and lightning.

Does heavy rain and lightning occur before a tornado?

Yes, very often tornadoes are preceded by heavy rain and lightning. Tornadoes usually form near the back of a supercell thunderstorm.

What clouds that heavy rain accompaid by thunder and lightning are?

Cumulonimbus clouds.

Whats the diffrence between rain and showers?

The difference between rain and showers is that the showers is the lighter version of the rain.

What is a local storm with tall clouds heavy rain with thunder and lightning?

A thunderstorm?

What is a local storm with tall clouds and heavy rain and thunder and lightning?

A thunderstorm?

What is a local storm with tall clouds heavy rain and thunder and lightning?

A thunderstorm?

What causes the 5 elements of thunderstorms starting with heavy rain?

1. Heavy Rain 2. Strong Winds 3. Lightning 4. Thunder 5. Tornado

What is a heavy-thunderstorm-A storm of heavy rain accompanied by lightning, thunder, wind, and sometimes hail?

A super-cell cloud

How far from heavy rain of a thunderstorm can lightning strike?

Lightning can strike up to 30 miles from a thunderstorm, though such instances are rare.

Do tornadoes form after the rain and lightning?

They do not need any rain or lightning to stop. They may be shrouded in rain and are often accompanied by lighting. That said, tornadoes usually do form in the rear portion of a thunderstorm, which is often behind the area of heavy rain.

What does rain thunder mean?

thundery rain means there is a chance you may hear thunder and see lightning during a heavy downpour