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Mars is named after the Roman God for War. Orignally, the god was a Greek god named Ares. When Rome conquered the Greeks, they took their religions too. So they renamed their Gods/godesses. So Mars is the "roman" God of War.

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14y ago

the roman war god who was also called mars.

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Mars is named after the Roman god of war.

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13y ago

Mars was named after the Roman God of War

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What Roman was mars named after?

Well . . . Mars was named after the god, Mars.

Who named Mars?

The planet Mars was named by the ancient Romans after their god of war, Mars.

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What was planet Mars named after?

Planet mars was named after the god of war mars.

How was Mars named?

Mars was named by the ancient Roman god of war Mars

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yes there is a boy named mars

Why is Mars named after Mars?

actually its the opposite the planet mars is named after the Roman god Mars who was the God of War

Is Mars named after something or someone?

Mars is named after the Roman god of war who was called Mars :)

Who was Mars named after?

Mars is named after the Roman god of war because it is red, which is a color associated with violence, battle or blood. Also, all the planets except Earth in our solar system are named after Roman Gods.

Who is named after Mars and why?

actually its the opposite the planet mars is named after the Roman god Mars who was the god of war

Mars is named after which god?

Mars is named after the Roman god, Mars. That's Ares if you prefer the Greeks.

Why was the Mars candy bar named after the god Mars?

They are named after the company that makes them, Mars Incorporated.