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Q: What is a A high temperature silicate with a name that is based on its color?
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What determines the strength of a eruption?

The temperature, the pressure, and the type of magma. High silicate magmas generally erupt explosively.

Explain how the silica content of molten material affects the color of igneous rocks?

Silica in molten material tends to crystallise as quartz, which is white or mostly pale in colour. So felsic rocks (from silica-rich magma) tend to be pale, while mafic rocks (from silica-poor magma) tend to be dark in colour.

Composition of cement?

Cement is made , not found. Portland cement, for instance, is made by heating limestone and clay to high temperature (1500 degrees Celsius) and crushing the result to a powder for sale.

Are diamonds non silicate or silicate?

No it is a nonsilicate mineral because it is formed from only carbon and not silicate.

Which treatment can remove some or all color from certain types of light brown diamonds?

High-pressure, high temperature (HPHT)

What is fermiculite?

Fermiculite is a silicate mineral which is hydrous and high expands during heating.

What is the highest critical temperature of superconductor?

133 Kelvin, about -140 Celsius. This is the critical temperature of a mercury -based superconductor. It contains copper-oxide, a common theme, I believe, in high temperature superconductors

What are some differences between a natural and a synthetic diamond?

Most synthetic diamonds that are commercially sold are yellow in color and made from a process known as High Pressure High Temperature. The yellow color is produced by nitrogen impurities, and yellow is not the only color that might be present

What are the low and high AC gas pressures in a 1995 Honda Accord Ex?

Based on ambient temperature have to get a chart

What is the role of sodium silicate in detergent powder?

Sodium silicate serves as a builder in some detergents when used in high concentrations. When used in lower concentrations, it inhibits corrosion and adds crispness to detergent granules.

What is compressor use for?

compressor is used for compress the gas or liquid to a certain level "Based on design" like In a air-conditioning compressor is used for compress the gas on high temperature and high pressure in the result gas convert to high temperature liquid form.

What is used compressor?

compressor is used for compress the gas or liquid to a certain level "Based on design" like In a air-conditioning compressor is used for compress the gas on high temperature and high pressure in the result gas convert to high temperature liquid form.