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Q: What is a compound made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms it is used by cells to store and release energy Sugars are made by chloroplasts through photosynthesis and consumed by mitochondria t?
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Which sugar made by plants is consumed in the mitochondria?


What is produced during photosynthesis and consumed during cellular respiration?

Glucose (a sugary substance), is made in photosynthesis which is then consumed later :)

What does protista eat?

There food is consumed by photosynthesis

Oxygen is consumed as a result of which type of change?

reverse photosynthesis

What substance are produced and consumed in photosynthesis?

Oxygen+glucose are produced, CO2+water+ the energy from the sun light are consumed

What gases are produced and consumed during photosynthesis in plants?

carbon dioxide is consumed and oxygen is produced

What is given off by the plant after photosynthesis that is not needed by the plant?

Plants give off a large amount of oxygen as a result of photosynthesis. It is important to note that this oxygen does not come from carbon dioxide, but rather from water consumed in the process of photosynthesis. However, it is also important to point out that saying plants "do not need" oxygen is not entirely accurate. Plants do need some oxygen, because like all eukaryotic cells, they rely on mitochondria for some of their energy needs, and mitochondria require oxygen to perform cellular respiration. Plants just make a lot more oxygen than they need.

Is sunlight consumed in photosynthesis?

Yes the plants use it and produce food to live

What is the fate of products of photosynthesis?

when we talk about (fate) we mean thoes thngs that when photosynthesis occur happes. They are: Glucose is converted to starch and temporaly stored in the day. The triose phosphate of the Calvin cycle can be synthesised into hexose sugars eg,glucose and fructose.The glucose may be polymerised to give starch for storage or maybe made into cellulose which makes up over 50% of the cell wall.

Where does the energy that drives chemical reactions and life processes come from?

technically, from the sun. photoautotrphs bind solar energy during photosynthesis into organic compounds, which are then consumed by fitofags, which are then consumed by predators...

Why do same cells contain many mitochondria?

Skeletal muscle cells, for instance, contain many mitochondria because the energy consumed in the contraction of the sarcomere is enormous. Skin cells, for instance, contain much less mitochondria as the cellular work the need to do is minimal compared to skeletal muscle cells.

Is glucose not a product of glycolysis?

Glucose serves as the starting compound for glycolysis and is consumed in the reaction.