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Q: What is a food that spoils at room temperature?
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How long can salmon be left at room temp before it spoils?

Food can have bacteria grow on it as soon as an hour at room temperature. Our stomach acid can kill some of this bacteria.Leave food out no longer than a few hours if you do not want to get sick.

What happens when perishable food is not refrigerated?

Food may be easily spoiled by growing bacteria in room temperature. Food refrigeration is important to prevent bacteria from growing.

Refrigerated foods stay fresh for long periods of time the same food stored at room temperature quilky spoils why?

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How long before miracle whip at room temperature spoils?

This is not a answer backed by any actual statistics. But... as I remember, food requiring refrigeration should not be kept out at room temperature more than 4 hours. After this time, there is an unsafe amount of bacteria on the product. The important thing to keep in mind is that ALL food has bacteria on it and all refrigeration does is SLOW the growth of it. So taking food out for an hour four times would be the same as taking it out straight for 4 hours. It's the total amount of time the food sits at room temperature - and I believe that the "magic number" is 4. Hope this helps.

What happens if you consume green tea that has spoils by sitting at room temperature too long?

That depends on what spoiled the tea and how long it has been sitting at room temperature. Nothing might happen or something could have grown in it that could make you ill.

What is an ambient food?

Ambient food is food which is kept and served at the same temperature as room temperature. I.e it is food which does not require refrigeration or heating before eating.

How can a food spoils faster when it has a tomato ingredient?

because tomato spoils faster

Why is it that when you leave food out it turns cold but when you leave drinks out it turns hot?

Usually, food is heated to a temperature hotter than the temperature of a room, about 160F. and drinks are usually much cooler than room temperature around 45F or less. So both hot food and cold drinks will eventually equal the temperature of the space or room they are left in.

What makes food stay fresher longer when it is kept cool?

This is not technically a Chemistry question, but a Biology one. When foodstuffs are kept cool, most bacteria and molds are inhibited from growing. They still do, as evidenced by the fact that food still spoils in the refrigerator, but much slower than if left at room temperature

What happened to food that is not preserved?

It spoils.

Does bacteria in food multiple slowly at room temperature?

That will depend upon the specific bacterium. Some will grow rapidly at room temperature, others will not.

How long does it take for food to be at room temperature?

Depends on the original temperature, but from frozen, approximally 24 hours.