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chemical bond

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14y ago

Chemical bonds between atoms.

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Q: What is a formed or broken apart during a chemical reaction?
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Why is a phase change not a chemical reaction?

Because chemical bonds are not formed or broken by a phase change.

Which statements best describes what happens during a chemical reaction?

Chemical bonds are broken and new ones are formed

How is a chemical bond usually broken?

Chemical bonds are both formed and broken during chemical reactions. For example, bonds are formed and broken in the synthesis reaction 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O. The bonds in both diatomic oxygen and hydrogen are broken, forming new bonds to form a water molecule.

What happens chemical bonds during a chemical reaction?

Some or all of the existing chemical bonds in the reactants are broken and new chemical bonds are formed in the products.

What new substances are formed during a chemical reaction?

The new substances formed during a chemical reaction are called Products.

What reaction is a process in which a covalent or ionic bond is broken or formed?

chemical reaction

What is formed or broken in a chemical reaction?

Some bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed.

What happens to the atoms of an object or a substance during a chemical reaction?

The atoms involved in a chemical reaction have their bonds broken, new bonds formed, or existing bonds rearranged depending on the reaction type.

What happens to the bonds of the products during a chemical reaction?

Chemical reactions always involve changes in the chemical bonds that join atoms in compounds. At least one chemical bond is broken or formed during a chemical reaction.

When old chemical bonds are broken and new ones are formed this is called?

A chemical reaction.

When old chemical bonds are broken and new ones formed this is called what?

A chemical reaction.

Do reactants and products break during a chemical reaction?

In a reaction, the bonds in reactants are broken down (endothermic) and new bonds formed. The new bonds formed (exothermic) will result in the formation of the products.