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It is called a crop

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Q: What is a saclike organ for storing nectar?
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What is a crop in a bee?

A saclike organ in a bee that stores nectar

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What saclike organ takes oxygen from the air and delivers it to the blood on an amphibian?


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urinary bladder

Do honey bees suffer when they die?

They don't have their nectar sucked out of them. They collect nectar from flowers and deposit it in a special 'nectar stomach'. They then take it back to the hive and add certain enzymes to the nectar before regurgitating it and storing it in cells within the hive,

What organ does the butterfly use to get their food?

The organ or body part that the butterfly uses to eat food is the proboscis. This is what they use to drink or suck nectar from flowers and plants.

How do honey ants adapt?

Adapt to what? i mean, they have already adpted to food shortages by storing nectar, what else do you want from them? really? what else would they have to adapt to?

What organ in a mammal is responsible for storing glycogen?

Mainly the liver but Glycogen is also found in muscles too.

What are saclike structures of area of storage?


Saclike formation in the wall of an artery?


What is the medical term meaning abnormal accumulation of fluid in a saclike cavity?

A cyst is an accumulation of fluid in a saclike cavity. A hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the scrotum.

Are wasp related to bees?

Yes, very closely. The only difference is that bees are herbivores (feeding on nectar and pollen) and wasps are carnivorous (storing insect flesh in their hives).