

What is a wave in physics?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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The disturbance traveled from one end to the other end in a medium without the acutal moment of particle is called wave motion.

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13y ago

In Physics, wave is the propagation of disturbances from place to place in a regular and organized way.

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Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the motion of particles by their wave properties at the atomic and subatomic levels.

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No. To explain the photoelectric effect, you have to think of light as a particle, not a wave. The fact that light can be both a wave and a particle is part of quantum mechanics, not classical physics.

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Amplitude is a measure of the Energy Content of a Wave.

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Increasing a wave's wavelength will most certainly decrease its frequency. See Physics.

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The distance from the rest point to the top is called the amplitude. The top of the wave is called a crest and the bottom of a wave is called a trough.

What are the subdivisions of physics and its description?

Mainly:Mechanics (Newtonian & relativistic): - mater - time - space;Molecular physics & thermodynamics: - physics of thermal movement;Electromagnetism: - physics of E,H - field;Wave motion: - physics of sound, light, ..., solitons (tsunami);Quantum physics: physics of micro-world;High energy physics.

Give the different subdivision of physics and describe each subdivision?

mechanics,heat and thermodynamics,wave motion,electricity and magnetism and nuclear physics