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Q: What is any storm with a circular wind pattern and a low pressure closure?
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A storm that causes a low pressure closure and a circluar pressure?


What storm does not have a low pressure closure?

thunder storms

What is a severe circular storm?


What is another word for the definition the center of a circular storm like a hurricane?

The eye of the storm

Does a storm have high air pressure?

No. Storm nearly always have low pressure.

What does it mean when the pressure drops in a tropical storm?

When the pressure drops in a tropical storm, or just about any type of storm, is usually means that it is getting stronger.

What is the literal meaning of cyclone?

A large scale atmospheric wind and pressure system characterized by low pressure at its center and by circular wind motion moving anti clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. In short, a violently rotating wind storm

What is the air pressure during a storm?


What do meteorologists depend on to forecast an approaching storm?

Meteorologists depend on the air pressure to forecast an approaching storm

Why did Hurricane Sandy need a low air pressure to form?

All large scale storm systems on earth have low pressure. The low pressure pulls in air that can act a fuel for the storm and creates a pressure gradient force that generates wind. Generally speaking, the lower the pressure in a storm, the stronger it is.

What is the air pressure during a lightning storm?

Usually it is low pressure.

How can dogs tell when a storm is approaching?

They can detect the change in barometric pressure that precedes a storm.