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jobs that straddle the boundary between the external environment, where customers are encountered, and the internal operations of the organization.

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Q: What is boundary spanning position?
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What is boundary spanning roles or boundary extension in management?

Boundary Spanning is concerned with the detection of information. It has two primary roles 1) to detect information and bring it into the organisation. 2) Send information into the environment presenting the company in a favourable light. There are two main sources of information 1) business intelligence which is information about the general environment. 2) Competitive Information which is information about an organizations competitors. An example of boundary spanning can be seen in the teen fashion company Genesco Inc who hire people of the same age as the target market to provide first hand intelligence of what the consumer wants.

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The interior optimum method uses an a choice that is determined by the position of an agent at a tangency that rests between the curves of two points on a graph. The boundary optimum method analyzes the position of waves.

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A strategic initiative (SI) is an endeavor intended to achieve three interrelated outcomes:A boundary-spanning vision or "strategic intent"Realization of important benefits to "strategic" stakeholders andTransformation of organization

How can you find minimum spanning trees?

with minimum spanning tree algorthim

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What is spanning tree in data structure?

A spanning tree is a tree associated with a network. All the nodes of the graph appear on the tree once. A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree organized so that the total edge weight between nodes is minimized.

What is a good sentence using the word spanning?

The bridge was spanning the vast opening over the river.

What are spanning diverse regions?

bridging different regions,in imperial pan regional there spanning of diverse regions

Can dijkstra's algorithm produce a spanning tree?

yes, but a shortest path tree, not a minimum spanning tree

How many spanning trees can be drawn with 5 labeled vertices?

No of spanning trees in a complete graph Kn is given by n^(n-2) so for 5 labelled vertices no of spanning trees 125