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Portage is the act of carrying the cargo and the boat from one place, such as the bottom of rapids, to another place, such as the top of rapids.

A Haul over is a smooth place on an isthmus where a boat is dragged across land between bodies of water.

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Q: What is carrying boat across land to water?
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What is it called when you carry boat across land to water?


Did the native Americans get to America by boat?

no they walked across a land bridge from Asia that is now under water

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Specifically, It's a place where a boat can be drawn up into the land. Or pushed into the water. Generally, nowadays it involves a concrete ramp that runs down into the water so that trailers carrying boats can be backed into the water direcctly for launching or retrieving a boat.

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River, stream, waterway, brook, canal, or watercourse

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It is a big flow of water

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In Poland, along the Ostróda-Elbląg canal.

How did the early peoples migrate from Asia to America?

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