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Candela are units of light intensity, while kelvins are units of temperature.

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Q: What is difference between candela and kelvin?
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specify the differnc beteen kelvin and celsius

What is the difference between absolute temperature scale and kelvin scale urgent I am convinced that there is a difference?

Absolute temperature IS MEASURED IN KELVIN.

What are basic unit of si unit?

Kilogram, Meter, Candela, Mole, Kelvin, Ampere, and Second I believe

3 base units of metric measurement?

meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mol, candela

What are the seven base units?

metre (m) for length kilogram (kg) for mass second (s) for time ampere (A) for electric current Kelvin (K) for thermodynamic temperature mole (mol) for amount of substance candela (cd) for luminous intensity

How many basic units is si based on?

There are 7 units: metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela.

Example of fundamental unit?

Meter Kilogram Second Ampere Kelvin Mole Candela

What is equivalent to a kelvin?

1 Kelvin = 1/100 of the temperature difference between the freezing and boiling points of water. One Kelvin is the same thing as one Celsius degree.

What is the difference between kelvin and absolute kelvin?

Kelvin is the absolute temperature - a temperature where absolute zero, the lowest temperature possible, is defined as zero. Therefore, in the phrase "absolute Kelvin", the word "absolute" seems redundant.

Units named after scientists?

Newton, Becquerel, Pascal, Henry, Ohm, Ampére, Kelvin, Candela, Tesla, Gauss etc etc...

What unit is the metric system of measurement based on?

It is based on seven base units (kilogram, meter, second, kelvin, ampere, candela, mole).

The SI system is based on what units?

The original base units were the metre, kilogram and second. This was extended to include the ampere, candela, kelvin and mole.