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If it doesn't rain for several days (or even weeks), it's called a dry spell.

If it rains for a period of several days, it is a wet spell.

A "spell" here is simply an unspecified period of time, not a witch's "spell".

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Q: What is dry spell and wet spell related to rain?
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What is a wet spell?

It is the opposite of a "dry spell".The colloquial term wet spell simply means a short period of rainy days. The term dry spell means a period of little rain, less severe than an actual drought.

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It has a wet atmosphere i believe, I hope this works :)

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depends on what forest your talking about if its a rain forest it tends to be wet -all of the time- if its just a normal forest it will be damp but not as wet as a rain forest it can be dry if the the climate is hot

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Rain because rain is wet ans soaks the wood while snow being frozen is dry and does not wet the wood until after the fire is lit and it melts.

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Antarctica does have a dry and wet season, but the wet season consists mainly of snow. It doesn't rain in Antarctica, and Antarctica is a desert, so there is not much snow.Another AnswerAntarctica is a desert and thus has no wet season.