

What is environmental pressure?

Updated: 6/13/2024
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13y ago

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Environmental pressure is something that could affect the health or life of an animal. For example, the environmental pressures for an animal could be a shortage of water, shortage of food, shortage of space, and predators.

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1mo ago

Environmental pressure refers to factors in the environment that influence the survival and reproduction of organisms. These pressures can include factors such as competition for resources, predation, climate change, and pollution. Organisms must adapt to these pressures in order to thrive in their environment.

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What environmental factors cause rock to undergo metamorph?

I think it is temperature or pressure.

What is meant by an environmental pressure?

Environmental pressure refers to external factors that influence an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment. These pressures can include changes in temperature, availability of resources, competition with other species, and predation. Organisms that are better adapted to these pressures are more likely to survive and pass on their traits to future generations.

Is light meter and barometer the most useful when measuring environmental changes?

A light meter is useful for measuring changes in light intensity, while a barometer is useful for measuring changes in atmospheric pressure. Both are important tools for monitoring environmental changes, but other factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality should also be considered depending on the specific environmental conditions being studied.

What is opposite to environmental?

Antithetical to environmental would be non-environmental or destructive to the environment.

What type of personal qualities does a environmental scientist?

Environmental scientists should possess strong analytical skills, attention to detail, critical thinking abilities, and a passion for environmental conservation. They should also have good communication skills to effectively convey complex information to a variety of audiences. Adaptability, patience, and a willingness to work collaboratively with others are also valuable traits in this field.

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a example is a tree or a plant and finally air

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Virginia Gray has written: 'The population ecology of interest representation' -- subject(s): Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Pressure groups, Population biology, Pressure groups 'Images' 'Mud, Space and Spirit'

What can a boil be defined as?

Boiling, a type of phase transition, is the rapid vaporization of a liquid, which typically occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point, the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure exerted on the liquid by the surrounding environmental pressure.

What is the temperature of germanium as a liquid?

At a pressure of one atmosphere Germanium is a liquid between the melting temperature of 938.25 °C (that is 1720.85 °F) and the boiling temperature of 2833 °C (that is 5131 °F). This temperature range is affected by pressure and in order to have boiling and melting points for an arbitrary environmental pressure the Germanium Phase Diagram has to be consulted, providing the boiling and melting temperatures versus the environmental pressure.

What environmental factors cause rock to undergo metamorph?

I think it is temperature or pressure.

What does enviromental pressure mean?

Environmental pressure are factors that affects the environment by bringing changes to the environment. These factors includes pollution, deforestation, mining and bush burning.