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Sodium fluoride.

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Q: What is formed when fluorine and sodium atoms are combined?
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How do fluorine and sodium atoms combine?

NaF, sodium fluoride

How many atoms in sodium fluoride?

One atom of sodium and one atom of fluorine.

What is a neutral particle called that is formed by two bonded fluorine atoms?

A fluorine molecule

When atoms of two poisonous are combined chemically it is possible to produce an edible matter?

No. However when two poisonous elements, Sodium and chlorine, are combined table salt is formed

Do two fluorine atoms from an ionic bond?

No. the electronegativity difference between two fluorine atoms in F2 is zero and hence non-polar covalent bond is formed.

What is formed when one barium atom combines with two sodium atoms?

When two different elements combined chemically, a compound is formed. When two different elements are combined physically, a mixture is formed. In the case of barium and sodium, a mixture is formed because they are both metals and they do not combine chemically with each other. If you mix up the chemical symbols, it will be BANANA, but a banana is a fruit, not a chemical symbol of a compound. The actual answer is "a mixture of Barium and Sodium". That's all.

What is tetrafluoride?

Tetrafluoride is a chemical made of four fluorine atoms. It is often combined with other elements such as carbon. This CF4 is used as a refrigerant.

What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

What is the chemical structure of Teflon?

Teflon is a polymer consisting of long chains of carbon atoms that are combined with fluorine.

How many covalent bonds are formed between two fluorine atoms?

Hi there,If i am right the bonds formed between any atoms depend on the satisfaction of Octet rule. So as the fluorine atom has seven electron in the last shell it well be needing one more to complete its octet.So it will share that electron from the other fluorine.. End of the process the answer is definitely ONE COVALENT BONDbetween two fluorine atoms..

What type of bond is Na and F?

It is an ionic bond. Two sodium atoms give up their single valence electrons to two fluorine atoms. This causes the sodium atom to become positively charged and the fluorine atoms to become negatively charged. The ionic bond is formed by the electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions. 2Na + F2 --> Na+ + 2F- --> 2[Na]+[F]-

Between what atoms is a covalent bond most likely to occur calcium and lithium sodium and fluorine nitrogen and oxygen helium and argon?

sodium and flourine