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Q: What is gravel sand and mud are called what sediment?
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Sand gravel and mud are examples of?


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What does sediment mean in geography terms?

mud and sand

Why is a sedimentary rock called a sedimentary rock?

Because it was originally a sediment, such as sand or mud, but was then lithified into a rock.

What we called fine sand soil or mud which is carried alnog by river?

Sediment is dirt, rocks, and sand carried by a river.

Why sedimentary rocks are called sedimentary instead of something else?

Because it was orginally a sediment such as sand or mud but was litified into a rock

What are the Drilling mud ratios for sand gravel mix?

25 pounds to 100 gallons

What is peanut worm's diet?

They swallow in sediment collect by their tentacles from their environment, sand and mud.

Compaction is a very important part of the lithification for which sediment gravel sand mud cobble?

Lithification processes, collectively referred to as "diagenesis," include: compaction (example: clay to shale), cementation (example: sand to sandstone), and partial recrystallization (example: lime mud to limestone). Note: Pressure by itself does not by compaction lithify sand to sandstone. Sandstone diagenesis is mostly by cementation and also, sometimes, by partial recrystallization and crystal overgrowths. The same is so of gravel that lithifies to conglomerate.

What would be carried furthest in a stream gravel sand or mud?

The lightest would go further so the sand then the heavier ones like mud would not go that far to the stream. I think that sand will go further than the gravel then the mud! Hope that helped! Although I'm not sure about the answer! See ya! I tried helping!

Why do soft shell clams live in mud?

Soft shell clams live in mixtures of mud and sand or mud and gravel. near freshwater. This is because the salinity is reduced by freshwater runoff and seepage.

What are the five examples of sediment?

1. Leeves, 2. Mud, 3. Oozes, and 4. Moraine.