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Q: What is hot semisolid and approximately 186 miles thick in the layer of the earth?
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Which layer is 30 to 50 miles from earth?

The layer that is 30 to 50 miles is ozone. It is a protective layer.

How thick is the Earth's crust under the whole world?

Approximately eight miles deep, thinner in some spots in the ocean by up to two miles, our top layer of "crust" gives way to a molten rock layer called the "mantle."

How many miles is it from earth to Neptune in miles?

Neptune is approximately 2.73 billion miles from Earth.

How many miles away from Earth to Saturn?

From Earth to Saturn its approximately 170,000,000 miles away.

What is the mantles thickness in km?

The thickness of mantle is about 2,900 kilometers

What layer of earth is 4000 miles below Earth's surface?

The core.

How many miles is the moon?

The moon is approximately 240,000 miles from earth.

What is the distance from the sun miles?

The Earth is approximately 93,000,000 miles from the sun.

Which one is the thinnest layer?

The thinnest layer in Earth is the Crust, being just 3-30 miles thin. The thinnest layer in Earth's atmosphere is the Troposphere, being just 4-12 miles thin.

How many miles is it from Chicago to virgina?

Approximately 570 miles directly, Approximately 730 miles by road (Credit: Google Earth)

What atoms are in the atmousphere?

The atmosphere on earth is the layer of air that we all breathe. It is composed of 4 main layers. Closest to the earth and extending about 7.5 miles up is the troposphere, where all of the earth's weather takes place. From 7.5 miles to 21.1 miles is the stratosphere. From 21.1 miles to 49.7 miles is the mesosphere. And from 49.7 miles to 195 miles is the thermosphere. The areas where one layer ends and the other layer begins is known as a pause, such as the tropopause, where the troposphere and stratosphere meet.

What is the layer of earth that you stand on that is only a few miles thick called?

the first layer is the crust.