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Rain -_- ....?

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Q: What is it called when the clouds can't hold any more water?
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What are the highest clouds that hold a lot of water?

Cirrus clouds.

What clouds hold water?

stratus and cumulus.

How much water can a clouds hold?

The clouds are rain. all the clouds are is water vapor(thats a fancy name for microscopic water) the water is so SMALL in the clouds it is too light to fall. then when it is heavy enough to fall you get rain

what happens when clouds are full of water?

When clouds get so full of water droplets that they can't hold any more, the water falls back to the ground as rain! Sometimes the water droplets freeze and fall to the ground as snow, sleet, or hail. Water or ice that comes from clouds is called precipitation.

Why does it snow in winter months?

it snows in winter months because the water in the clouds freeze and the cloud cant hold it for long because it gets heavy ,so then the snow falls and that's that.

How does rain fall on this earth?

Clouds contain water vapor (steam) which condenses and becomes water when it gets cold. This heavier water then falls down as rain. It's the same reason that your cold glass of iced tea sweats-- the water in the air cools down around it and becomes water.

What is the precipatation?

Precipitation is rain, water or snow and caused by the condensation of water in the atmosphere - in other words 'rain'.

How does a cloud hold water?

i think that clouds hold their water by saturation. so when the water gets more heavy then the cloud the water turns into droplets(rain). i know that this is not the best answer but at least i tried.

Can you make a pot with sand?

no because it cant hold water

What kind of cup cant hold water?

A cupcake!

Do cumulus clouds produce rain?

Yes. These are the puffy ones, right? The clouds have to have enough mass to hold the weight of water, which gets pretty heavy.

What different forms that water takes as altitude increases?

At higher altitudes it is colder. The cooler air can't hold the water in gas form so it condenses out as clouds.