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Q: What is it called when the transformation of one rock type to another?
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What type of rock can form metamorphic rocks?

Any rock can undergo metamorphism, be it sedimentary, igneous or even the transformation of one type of metamorphic rock to another.

What are metamorhpic rocks?

Metamorphic rock is the result of the transformation of an existing rock type, the protolith, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form".

Is KE turning into electrical energy called a transformation of energy?

Every time one type of energy is converted into another type of energy, you can call it an "energy transformation".

What type of metamorphism forms foliate rocks?

Any rock can undergo metamorphism, be it sedimentary, igneous or even the transformation of one type of metamorphic rock to another.

What is the rock cycle including descriptions of how one type of rock can change into another type?

It is called the Rock Cycle.

How much time does it take for rocks to change from one type to another type in the rock cycle?

The process is always ongoing, but a complete transformation from one type to another could take millions of years or more.

Is intrusive rock is also called platonic rock?

No, intrusive rock is not also called platonic rock. Plutonic rock is another name for this type of rock, which is produced by magma.

What type of energy transformation does a radio signal have?

The radio signal itself, of course, is not an energy transformation - energy transformation means that energy is changed from one type to another. There is an energy transformation when the radio signal is created, and another one when it is absorbed.

What is it called when rocks continually change from one type to another?

The rock cycle

What is the continuous changing of rocks from one type to another called?

The rock cycle.

Scientists use rock cycle to describe what process?

The rock cycle is how one type of rock can be changed into another type of rock.

Can a rock chang to a type of rock to another?

rocks can change from one type of rock to another, or not change at all