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The inner core is more dense than the outer core.

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Q: What is more dense inner-core or outer-core?
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Why is the innercore have the most pressure?

Because the outercore applies pressure to the innercore. Its like the book stack effect, pile up 5 books. Which book has the most pressure on it? The bottom. Now imagine that being a CIRCLE of books, the INNERbook or the innercore would have the most pressure.

What elements make up the innercore?

Heavy (or dense) ones ...mostly iron.

What influence does the earths core have?

The core of the earth consists of an outercore of liquid nickel and iron revolving around an innercore of solid iron. The revolution of this hot metal creates a magnetic field which we call our magnetosphere. our magnetospere protects us from much of the harmful radiation that comes from the sun.

Which is furthest innercore or outercore?

Earth's inner core is farther from the surface than its outer core. The molten liquid outer core extends from about 1,800 to 3,200 miles below Earth's surface, and the solid inner core extends from about 3,200 miles to the center of Earth, at a depth of about 4,000 miles.

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How does the rotation of the earth affect tectonic plates?

The core of the earth consists of an outercore of liquid nickel and iron revolving around an innercore of solid iron. The revolution of this hot metal creates a magnetic field which we call our magnetosphere. our magnetospere protects us from much of the harmful radiation that comes from the sun.

What is the state of matter for the innercore?


What layer is the innercore?

I know it is nickel

What are the four layers?

crust mantle outtercore innercore

What is the boundary between the mantle and outercore?

the Mohorovicic Discontinuity