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The water source being used as a sewer dump

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Q: What is most water pollution is a result of?
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What sources of radioactivity will result in water pollution

Most water pollution is the result of what?

people throw rubbish and litter in the sea and oil and waste from the factories.

How drought can make water pollution worse?

When a body of water loses volume, the pollution inside the water remains relatively constant and as a result the water that would normally dilute the pollutants becomes magnified as a result.

Where water pollution occurs?

Most water pollution happens in the oceans, where ships dump garbage. Pollution also accumulates in the oceans as a result of runoff from rivers.

Country that causes the most pollution as a result of carbon dioxide emissions?


Control measures of thermal pollution?

Thermal pollution is the result of water that is warmer than the natural temperature of a waterway being released into it. Heating or cooling water to match the temperature of the waterway before it is released will help to resolve thermal pollution.

What happened as a result of the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire?

Public awareness of water pollution increased.

How does water pollution affect insurance industry?

When water is polluted as a result of poisonous chemical which was dissolved in da water ,then lead to killing of their issuers

Are coral reefs unaffected by pollution?

Yes, coral reefs are being destroyed because of global warming, overfishing, pollution, etc.

Is air pollution a result of acid rain?

acid rain is the result of air pollution

What type of water is the most polluted?

the most common type of water pollution is storm run-off.

Water pollution can occur from burning fossil fuels due to?

Water pollution can occur from burning fossil fuels due to the acid rain. Fossil fuels will pollute the atmosphere which will result into acid rain.