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it's used for golden mansions that attract kitties

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Q: What is oolitic limestone used for?
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What is the difference between fossiliferous limestone and oolitic limestone?

Fossiliferous limestone has larger fossils in the rock and is of biochemical composition where as the oolitic limestone doesn't have any fossils and has a chemical composition. The Oolitic limestone has spherical grains that resemble miniature pearls (they are called ooliths or ooids). Both do effervesce in diluted HCL(acid)

Sedimentary rock Consisting of tiny concentric grains of limestone?

Oolitic limestone.

What are the types of limestone in the Caribbean?

Jurassic Coralline Limestone and Oolitic Lime Stone

What does oolitic mean?

Oolitic is a type of limestone. It is composed of minute rounded concretions that resemble fish roe. The origin of the word is French.

What kind of grains does limestone have in it?

Limestone is primarily composed of the mineral calcite and may be very fine-grained, oolitic, or fossiliferous.

What sedimentary rock forms marble?

Limestone or dolostone forms marble. This encompasses all types, from Chalk to Oolitic Limestone.

Does sandstone and oolitic limestone have the same composition?

No oolitic limestone is mostly calcium carbonate with some spar cement,but sandstone is mostly quartz but with all sorts of weathered products of other preexisting rocks with size within the range of 1/16mm to 4mm

Oolitic limestone is most likely to form in what type of depositional environment?

shallow, clear, marine waters with vigorous current activity

What is the difference between chalk and limestone considering they are both made up of calcium carbonate but form different geological features?

Chalk is a type of limestone, there are several types of limestone, chalk, crystalline, fossiliferous, oolitic, travertine and a few others.

What is oolitic stone?

Oolite is sometimes also known as 'Egg Stone'. It is a limestone formed from ooids, spherical grains found in concentric layers.

Where does the pure white color of limestone come from?

There are different types of limestone rock in the UK which differ in colour. Carboniferous limestone is greyish and hard and made from the remains of corals. Jurassic limestone is yellowish and softer. It is oolitic (made from little eggs of calcite). Cretaceous limestone is very white and chalky. It is made from the skeletal remains of planktonic organisms.

What is the color of the pyramid of Giza?

The Great Pyramid was the color of Oolitic limestone- a kind of honey color. When it was built, the outside was covered in a layer of polished white fine grained limestone, but had been removed later to build Cairo