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It depends.Some people think they need to cut down the rainforest trees but other people are trying to save them and think it is bad to cut down the rainforest.I think that we need to stop cutting them down.

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Q: What is people opinions on cutting down the rainforest's?
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Why are people cutting down the rainforests?

we are cutting down the rainforests because we need: WOOD.

Who are cutting down the rainforests and why?

People Are Cutting Down The Rainforests Because They Only Care About There Money And The People Who Cut Down Trees Which Are In Good Condition Do These Things Because They Dont Care About The Animals In The Rainforest Or Its Envioroment

What can you do to protect the rainforests?

Stop cutting down trees

Why did Prince Charles go to different rainforests?

Because he was trying to stop people from cutting them down 'cause people live in them

What social actions could be taken to stop people cutting down the rainforests?

People could hold protests, pay the farmer to stop cutting down trees for land or for every tree cut down another musty be planted in its place

Why are rainforests endangered?

The reason Rainforest are endangered is because people are cutting down trees and are making it so animals have no where to live.

What are the problems caused by cutting down rainforests?

One of the main causes are animal's home's being torn down .

Find three problems facing rainforests today which do you think is the biggest problem why?

People are cutting down trees it is losing the pretty sights and oxygen

HOW is the rainforest being destroyed?

Rainforests are being destroyed by loggers cutting down the trees. In addition, global warming and pollution is affecting the species living in rainforests.

What part if any have these people played in the deforestation of the tropical rainforests?

People cut down rainforests for timber.

List three ways rain forests are used and two ways they are threatened?

Three ways rainforests are used are the plants are used to make medicines, plants are used to make food, and trees are used for their wood. Two ways rainforests are threatened is that people are cutting down the trees to make room for cities and cutting the trees down to sell the wood.

What is one of the possible results of cutting down the rainforests?

animals will die and there will be less rain forests the hemisphere/globe