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Q: What is phosphorus's thermal conductivity?
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What is thermal resistivity of soils?

Resistivity is the opposite of conductivity. The thermal resistivity of soil is the degree to which soil impedes the flow of heat, or insulates against heat.

Temperature vs distance from an heat source at 1000 C?

depends the thermal conductivity of the medium

Why copper tubing is used in automobiles radiators?

Very high thermal conductivity at modest cost

What material has high thermal conductivity but low electrical conductivity?

Someone wrote "what material has the highest R-value". This answer is not conducive to progress in their learning. The "r" in R-value stands for Resistance, that is, resistance to flow of heat. Conductivity is the reciprocal, or inverse, of the Resistivity. "Thermal Conductivity" is transfer of Heat. Since Heat is ultimately the jiggling around of small bits of Matter (fundamental particles like electrons, protons and neutrons), then atoms (assemblages of these 3 fundamental particles), then molecules (assemblages of similar or dissimilar atoms), or also the jiggling around of atoms within molecules) - then the material with the highest Resistivity would be the Absence of Matter, this is, Vacuum (not quite a material, strictly speaking, but "found" between the walls of a vacuum, or "Dewar", flask). For the material with (possibly) the lowest Resistivity, or highest Conductivity, try the Wikipedia article on "Thermal Conductivity". If you're a girl, it may be your best friend.

Is oxygen conductive?

The thermal conductivity of oxygen is 24,24 mW/mK at 1,013 bar and 0 0C.

Related questions

What is the thermal conductivity of boron?

The thermal conductivity of boron is 27.4

Is thermal conductivity a chemical or a physical?

Thermal conductivity is a Physical property

What is thermal and electrical conductiuity?

Thermal conductivity refers to the conductivity that is associated with heat. Electrical conductivity refers to the conductivity that is associated with electricity.

What is osmium thermal conductivity?

Osmium thermal conductivity is 87,4 W/m.K.

Is thermal conductivity physical or chemical property?

Thermal conductivity is a Physical property

What is the thermal conductivity of a perfect conductor?

The thermal conductivity of a perfect conductor is 1

What is the thermal and electrical conductivity of Californium?

The thermal conductivity of californium is 1 W/m.K.

What Is a material that allows heat to flow through it easily?

Thermal conductors let heat move through them. Metals are part of this group.

Do elements that have high electric conductivity also have high thermal conductivity?

Usually it is, but exceptional case is of Graphite which has low thermal conductivity.

What is used to describe how well various substances conduct thermal energy?

thermal conductivity The term for how substances conduct thermal energy is thermal conductivity.

What term is used to describe how well various conduct thermal energy?

thermal conductivity The term for how substances conduct thermal energy is thermal conductivity.

What is Definition of thermal conductivity?

The definition of thermal conduction is heat transfer. Thermal conduction is when heat is transferred from one source to another.