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The weather is like 89-90 to degrees this affects plants in many ways because it means that they might die because to much sun isn't good for them and it affects animals because the animals might find no food and and water which is most important to animals also they wouldn't find shade.

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Q: What is savannas climate like in the dry season?
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What months make up the savannas dry season?

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What is savannas climate?

The temperature in the savanna is dry and hot. It can get so hot that big grass fires break out as part of the natural cycle. -------------------------------------------------- It is usually hot and dry. The savanna has a wet and dry season. It is dry in the winter and the plants will die and animals will migrate. It is wet in the summer and the plants are lush. ------------------------- Tropical but dryish ---------------------------------------- The savanna is very grassy and is warm but not fiercely hot like the desert.

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Panama has a dry season for January through to May.

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How is tropical wet climate similar to a tropical wet-and-Dry climate How are they different?

In The Online World It Says That, "They are alike because they both receive precipitation; they are different because in tropical wet there are rain forests. In tropical wet-and-dry there are savannas."

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What was the weather and climate like in the Indus River Valley?

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