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Q: What is sedimentary rock that forms calcium carbonate and fizzes in acid?
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A sedimentary rock that forms from calcium carbonate and fizzes in acid?


Which common minerals fizzes when dilute hydrochloric acid HCI is placed on it?

Calcite, Limestone, Chalk, Marble. They are all geological forms of calcium carbonate.

Are calcium carbonate and calcium citrate ionic forms of calcium?

Yes, they are calcium salts.

What is the chemical composition of Lithographic limestone?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and/or aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

How does calcium carbonate react with hydrocloric acid?

Forms Calcium Chloride.

What forms inside a limestone?

Limestone or chalk is a sedimentary rock composed of Calcium carbonate or calcium carbonate compounds where the inner core may undergo change by heat and pressure to become hard chert.However when it undergoes metamorphosis by extreme heat and pressure over time it turns into marble.

When solid calcium carbonate is heated what is form?

CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2 Heated Calcium Carbonate (limestone) forms Calcium Oxide (quicklime) and Carbon Dioxide

Limestone and chalk are forms of calcium carbonate?

: Limestone is composed mainly of the mineral calcite and has a chemical formula of CaCO3 (calcium, carbon, and oxygen).

What mineral forms on the skeletons of coral animals?

calcium carbonate

What affects how quickly acids react with calcium carbonate?

It's the concentration of the acid.Limestone and marble are forms of calcium carbonate.Acid rain reacts with calcium carbonate. The stronger the acid the more quickly it effects calcium carbonate and dissolves.

Solid calcium oxide is exposed to a stream of carbon dioxide gas?

Calcium carbonate forms.

How is calcite created?

Calcite is the most common form of calcium carbonate. It forms from the precursor, amorphous calcium carbonate that rapidly dehydrates and forms vaterite. Vaterite undergoes dissolution and becomes calcite.