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Shaking and Ground rupture are the effects of earthquake. Ground shaking is the disruptive up and down and sideways motion experienced during an earthquake. And, Ground Rupture is the creation of new or the renewed movements of old fractures, oftentimes with the two blocks on both sides moving in opposite directions.

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Q: What is shaking and ground rupture?
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Where are the local effects of an earthquakes?

Local effects of earthquakes include ground shaking and rupture, fires, and damage.

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A seismometer measures the shaking of the ground.

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shaking ground and cracking

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sudden shaking of the ground

What might happen if there was an earthquake near a mountain?

Shaking, ground rupture, landslides, avalanches, fires, liquefaction, floods, tsunamis, destruction, death - you get the point.

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The ground starts shaking.

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