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This element is lanthanum.

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Q: What is the Inner transition metal with lowest atomic number?
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Is the inner lithium shell full?

Yes, Lithium has the Atomic Number 3, therefore has 3 electrons. The inner 'shell' of electrons only needs 2 electrons to be full. The Li+ ion also has a full inner shell.

What are the example of inner transition element?

The inner transitional metals contain 2 main groups, the lanthanide series, and the actinide series (f block elements). The lanthanide series include the 14 elements that proceed lanthanum (atomic number 57) from atomic numbers 58 to 71. Their electron configuration include the 4f and 5d energy levels. Because of the closeness of those two levels, there is considerable uncertainty in some electron configuration assignments. The actinide series include the 14 elements that proceed actinium (atomic number 89) from atomic numbers 90 to 103. The electron configurations of the actinides are even more uncertain than the lanthanides because the closeness of the energy levels and because the nuclei are unstable to radioactive decay. Only minute amounts of some elements are obtained because of their instability. All of the actinides are unstable with respect to alpha emission. The later members tend to undergo spontaneous fission, a fact which limits the number of elements possible.

Is iron oxide a transition metal?

Iron is classified as a transition state metal for exactly the same reason that any other element is classified as a transition state element, which is that it has incompletely filled inner electron orbitals.

How many core electrons in nitrogen?

Nitrogen has 2 core electrons and 5 valence electrons. If you remember, nitrogen has an atomic number of 7. When an atom is neutral it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Therfore, the overal number of electrons is 7. The definition of core electrons is, electrons in their most inner shell, On the other hand valence electrons are electrons in the outermostshell. When looking at a periodic table you see that there is a total# of 5 valence electrons. In order to figure out the core number you subtract the total number of electrons(atomic #) - Valence # of electrons. I hope this helped :)

What is the inner or lowest layer of the earths atmosphere?

The Troposphere is the innermost layer of the atmosphere. For more information,

Related questions

What is the name of the element with the atomic numer91?

The element with atomic number of 91 is protactinium, Pa. It is an inner transition metal.

Which inner transition metal has an atomic mass of 167.26?

Erbium (Er)

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What inner transition metal has an atomic mass of 167.26?

This chemical element is erbium.

Which set of elements has electrons added to the 4f sublevel as the atomic number increases?

The lanthanides, the inner transition metals from 57La through 71Lu.

Is found in group 3 and period 6 of the modern periodic table?

The element is an inner transition metal called lanthanum, with the atomic number 57.

Is neodymium an element a compound a mixture or not matter?

Neodymium (Nd) is an inner transition metal with atomic number 60 on the periodic table.

What is the element name for mariecurie?

The element named for Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie is curium. Its atomic number is 96, and its symbol is Cm. It is an inner transition metal in the Actinide series.

Is nickel an inner transition element?

Nickel is not an inner transition element.

Why is silver a transition metal?

Yes Silver (Ag) has atomic number 47. It is in column 11 (IB) Those elements in the middle of the chart, as well as the Lanthanides and Actinides are considered Transition Elements (metals).

How do you find number of valence electrons?

Take the atomic number then subtract the amount of valence electrons. Example: Number of non valence (inner) electrons in Sulfur: 16 (atomic number) - 6 (valence electrons) = 10 (valence or inner electrons)

Why are f-block elements called inner-transition elements?

inner transition elements are those who have their last 3 shells incompletely filled. The f block elements have their last 3 shells incompletly filled . That is why they are also called as inner transition elements. what different between inner transition and outer transition elements