

What is the Ptolemaic theory?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is the Ptolemaic theory?
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Thomas Kuhn's key examples involves the struggle between?

The Ptolemaic theory and the Copernican Theory.

What did Tycho Brahe have right about his theory?

Tycho Brahe's theory improved on the Ptolemaic theory of the planets by explaining the phases of Venus, which the Ptolemaic theory failed to do. Tycho's theory still had the Earth at the centre. Later all the old theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho were replaced by Kepler's elliptical orbits in 1609.

Who created the ptolemaic system?

It was Ptolemy, an ancient Greek scientist, who gave his name to the theory.


Because the theory had predicted the motions of the planets better than any known method at that time.

What does the Ptolemaic theory argue?

The Ptolemaic system or the geocentric systemÊargues that the orbital center of the universe is the Earth. The system states that the moon, the other planets, the sun, andÊthe stars circled the Earth.

Which Scientists disaprove Ptolemys geosentric theory of the universe?

Galileo and Copernicus were two of the scientists to disprove Ptolemy's geocentric theory of the universe. The Ptolemaic theory stated that the center was earth.

What is the Ptolemaic theory argued about?

it is the theory that the earth is the stationary center of the universe, with the planets moving in an epicyclic orbits within surrounding concentric sphere. it is the easiest answer i can say

The earth is the center of the universe theory?

The name is of the general theory where celestial objects revolve around the Earth is known as the Ptolemaic system.

Ptolemaic theory of the universe was disaproved by?

The Ptolemaic theory explained the way the planets moved among the stars. Other theories were produced between 1500 and 1700. After the discovery of the law of gravity and the laws of motion were discovered, the planetary theory devised by Johannes Kepler (1609) was found to fit the new theories most closely and it was adopted generally. It is still used.