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Q: What is the approximate total weight in million metric tons of all primary pollutants added to the atmosphere?
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What is the approximate total weight (in million metric tons) of all primary pollutants added to the atmosphere?


Is secondary pollutants more harmful than primary pollutants?

Primary air pollutants are emitted directly into atmosphere from a process such as exhaust from a engine, industries, volcanic eruption Secondary air pollution are formed in the air when primary pollutants interact.

What is the difference between secondary and primary pollutants?

Some Primary pollutants are like when humans directly put them in the air Secondary pollutants are like when pollutants react with Primary and other Primary pollutants.

What are secondary pollutants and how do they form.?

secondary pollutants are pollutants that form when primary pollutants react with other primary pollutants or with naturally occurring substances

What the difference between primary and secondary pollutants?

Primary pollutants are pollutants that enters the air directly from a source and Secondary pollutants are air pollutantsproduced by the reaction of a primary pollutant with some other pollutant

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140 million

What is a substances that pollute the air only after they interact with other substance in earth's environment?

Secondary pollutants are the substances that pollute the air only after they interact with other substance in the Earth's environment. Primary pollutants are injected into the atmosphere directly.

What type of pollutants is ozone and smog?

Ozone and smog are secondary pollutants. They are not primary ones.

Is car exhaust a primary pollutant What about acid precipitation or smoke from a factory or fumes from burning plastic?

A primary pollutant is emitted directly into the atmosphere, so exhaust, smoke and fumes are all primary pollutants. Acid rain is a secondary pollutant.

What is primary pollution?

Pollution is any foreign substance present in more concentration than safer limits. They are two types of pollutants 1. Primary pollutants 2. Secondary pollutants Primary pollutants are those which generated directly from Source . That type of pollution is generally termed as primary pollution. Ex : Carbondioxide , Sulphur dioxide etc in case of Air pollution Secondary pollutants are those which formed by the combination of more than two or more primary pollutants Ex : Ozone , Photo chemical smog in case of air pollution

What is secondary pollution?

a secondary pollutant is basically not given off as a pollutant but becomes one after it reacts with other pollutants, primary pollutants, in the atmosphere

What pollutants are pollutants in the air because of human activity?

the answer to this question is pretty simple and it primary pollutants