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it is called a transform boundary--on a fault line

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12y ago

It's is called a transform

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Q: What is the area where two plates slide past each other?
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Where two tectonic plates slide past each other A+

What occurs when plates slide past each other?

A transform boundary is made when tectonic plates slide past each other.

Do plates slide past each other at convergent boundaries?

No. Plates come together at convergent boundaries. In other words they converge. Plates slide past each other at transform boundaries.

What happens when tectonic plates slide past each other?

What occurs when the plates slide each other is a boundary forming. this boundary is called a transform boundary.

What are the techtonic plates that slide past each other called?

Where 2 plates slide past each other in a horizontal motion that boundary is called a Transform Boundary, or a fault.

Which type of plates slide past each other in opposite directions?

A Transform boundary consists of plates that slide past each other in opposite directions. The earth is made of lots of different sliding plates.

What are three ways tectonic plates interact with each other?

When plates slide past each other, move toward each other, and move away from each other.

When plates slide past each other what is it called?

An earthquake

What happens to plates when they slide underneath each other?


What are three ways plates can move in relation to one another?

Plates either move towards each other (convergent plates), away from each other (divergent plates) or slide next to each other (transform plates).

What type of boundry is a transform boundry?

A transform boundry is when two plates slide past each other

What is the other name for sliding plate boundary?

Transform Boundaries is the plates where plates slide past each other.