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2In + 3Cl2 >> 2InCl3

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Q: What is the balanced equation between Indium and chlorine?
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In + Cl2 = InCl3 this is the equation for indium trichloride next, you have to balance it, so: 2 In + 3 Cl2 = 2 InCl3 therefore the coefficient would of indium trichloride would be 2

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What is the formula for indium bromide?

Indium forms the following bromides InBr3, indium tribromide, indium (III) bromide InBr, Indium monobromide, Indium(I) bromide InBr2, indium dibromide, In+ InBr4- , indium (I,III) bromide there are others which are not so well known

What is the empirical formula of indium chloride?

Indium forms a number of chlorides InCl3, indium trichloride InCl, indium monochloride InCl2, indium dichloride

What has indium in it?

caves have indium in it

What are some products made from indium?

Indium wire and indium foil

What is the formula of indium chloride?

The full name is Indium (III) Chloride and the formula is InCl3there are other chlorides as indium forms the In+ ion as well as In3+Indium monochloride, indium(I) chlorideIndium dichloride, Indium (I,III) chloride

What is a use of indium?

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Is the element indium dangerous?

Pure indium is nontoxic, even in high concentrations (breathing in indium particles is not very healthy, obviously, but not because of any special property of indium). However, indium in a soluble solution is damaging to the kidneys, and certain indium compounds (most notably indium trichloride and indium phosphide) are very dangerous to the lungs.

What phase of matter does indium exist in?

Indium can be solid, liquid or gas. At room temperature, indium is a solid.