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A thunderstorm requires a mass of unstable air, created locally by heating or as the result of adjacent air masses having different temperatures.

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Q: What is the basic condition required for a thunderstorm to form?
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Related questions

Is a lifting force necessary to form a thunderstorm?

Yes.Three basic ingredients are required for a thunderstorm to form: moisture, rising/unstable air, and a lifting mechanism to force this rising air higher and faster.

How does a thunderstorm begin to form?

Three basic ingredients are required for a thunderstorm to form: moisture, rising unstable air (air that keeps rising when given a nudge), and a lifting mechanism to provide the "nudge."

Simple answer for How does a thunderstorm form?

Three basic ingredients are required for a thunderstorm to form: moisture, rising/unstable air, and a lifting mechanism to force this rising air higher and faster.

What are 3 requirements for thunderstorms to form?

Three basic ingredients are required for a thunderstorm to form: moisture, rising/unstable air, and a lifting mechanism to force this rising air higher and faster.

Which of the following is not a condition requiered for all thunderstorm to form?

A rotating updraft, or supercell

What is a condition required for all thunderstorms to form?

The formation of a thunderstorm requires an area of unstable air, its motion due to convection currents. The moisture in this heated air will be carried aloft and condense, releasing heat to power the thunderstorm. A thunderstorm needs a lifting force, and moisture in the lower to mid-levels of the atmosphere.

Do thunderstorms form from humid air?

Yes.Three basic ingredients are required for a thunderstorm to form: moisture, rising/unstable air, and a lifting mechanism to force this rising air higher and faster. Moisture and unstable air together is typically called humid air.

What three conditions are required for a thunderstorm to form?

* Rising Unstable air * moisture * Air cools with an increasing altitude

Could you form a sentence with thunderstorm?

Yeah... The thunderstorm caused the power to go out. The thunderstorm startled the dog. The weatherman warned that a thunderstorm was on its way.

What does not form a thunderstorm?


What stages form a thunderstorm?

The cumulus stage, in which the thunderstorm develops, the mature stage, in which the thunderstorm is most intense, and the dissipating stage, in which the thunderstorm declines and ends.

What happens when a thunderstorm can finally form in spite of the cap?

What happens when a thunderstorm can finally form inspire of the cap