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Put your life jacket on, secure crew and gear, and keep a sharp lookout.

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Q: What is the best action to take on a boat if you see a thunderstorm approaching?
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What is the best course for action if you see a thunderstorm approaching in a boat?

get out of the water and get on land and go somewhere safe

What is the best course of action if you see a thunderstorm approaching in the water?

Very little in a nutshell. Expanses of water are regularly hit by lightning and quite possibly you may be the highest thing in the water so you are more likely to get hit. Lightning can travel 20 foot or more through water so even if you don't get hit directly you could still get killed (eg If you were swimming near a sailing boat). Swimming pools are also unsafe. All government advice states get out of the water during a thunderstorm even if it seems distant, this includes indoor swimming pools (though the risk is less).

What should you do if you are caught on open water during thunderstorm?

Being caught in a thunderstorm on open waters is very dangerous. But at that point there is nothing you can really do. Its obvious if you are close to shore that you should try to get to land as fast and safely as possible. But if you are far from shore remain calm, Find anything on and around the boat that looks like a potential safety cover for you or whoever you are with. It also depends on the boat. Some boats have rooms downstairs but if you are stuck on a speed boat or pontoon there is nothing you can do. Stay far away from any metal and stay far away from the water surrounding you. If you feel its bad contact any safety team whether its on lake or ocean.

What is the best precaution against carbon monoxide poisoning on a boat?

Keep the airflow

What is carrying boat across land to water?

Portage is the act of carrying the cargo and the boat from one place, such as the bottom of rapids, to another place, such as the top of rapids. A Haul over is a smooth place on an isthmus where a boat is dragged across land between bodies of water.

Related questions

What is the best course for action if you see a thunderstorm approaching in a boat?

get out of the water and get on land and go somewhere safe

Which is a common first indicator of an approaching thunderstorm on a boat?

Buildup of dark clouds

What is the action required when a power boat is approaching a sail boat head on?

the motor boat usually gives the sailboat the right of way

If you see a red and green and a white light on another boat what does this tell you?

it tells you the boat is approaching you head on

'If you see a red a green and a white light on another boat what does this tell you?

you are approaching head on.

Where is the most dangerous place to be on a boat?

A ThunderStorm

When you see red green and White light on a boat what does this tell you?

a boat is approaching you head-on

What should you do when approaching another boat?

shoot it so it sinks

A sailboat is approaching a powerboat Both boats are underway Which boat is the give-way vessel?

power boat

What is the action required when a power boat is approaching a sail boat head-on?

the power driven ship should give-way, and it must only do so by turning starboard... in good seamanship the sailing vessel should also turn starboard, but are not required to by law.

On a boat what indicates that foul weather is approaching?

A sign that foul weather is approaching on a boat could be rolling thunder or darkening clouds. Another sign might be the waves picking up and getting bigger.

Which of the following actions is required of Boat A when approaching Boat B head-on in darkness or reduced visibility?

give way to the starboard side