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Possibly weathering

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Q: What is the breakdown of rock into smaller particles from the effects of wind water or ice?
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Why do smaller particles move faster in water?

Because of the heat in the water.

What causes the breakdown of bedrock?

Plant roots, air, water, soil particles, and pores spaces.


Is the breakdown of rocks into smaller particles by a natural process cause by water, wind, cold and heat, and gases. Small particles created by weathering are called sediments. 

The two processes which are most often responsible for the breakdown of rock into soil particles are?

Water erosion, Freezing.

Which particles have the most energy cold water or hot coffee?

Water, as it has smaller particles that are tightly bunched together. Coffee has very large particles, like alchohol.

What do fine sand and gravel do to water?

The gravel and sand filter out smaller particles from the water

Would smaller particles result in more runoff water?

No, less runoff water.

How does the size of rock particles in soil affect the amount of water it can hold?

the answer to this question is that Soil with smaller particles can hold more water when Soil with larger rock particles can hold less water.....

What is the principal function of mechanical digestion?

breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones by the addition of water

Why the water flows faster through the cylinders containing large particles than through the cylinders containing smaller particles?

because the surface area of the larger particles propels them faster which has a recipical effect on the water around the particles

What are the effects of weathering on rocks?

two common weathering agents- Physical: water, wind, or ice grind off the surface of the rock making it smaller. Chemical: a solution dissolves certain minerals out of rock which may make it smaller or leaves spongelike holes in it.

How can sugar be dissolved in water quicker?

you can heat it up, the water, or grind the sugar into smaller particles! try both! =)